Help System What is all about

What is a Help System?

  • A mini guide designed to assist you or others in the future when needed.

  • Usually done in groups of three.

  • Worked on alongside the platformer game.

  • Requires significant effort and collaboration from you and your teammates.

  • To ensure success, avoid working separately to prevent errors.

Help System What is all about

Step by Step guidance to making good Help System

A good Help System is tedious and painful but this blog will simlify it this take a look at our help system created by our whole CSSE class: Help System Search

  • Step 1: Identify and Discuss Your Topic
    • The important step is to discuss with your team and talk about what you want to do. For example, we talked about doing a topic on Platform Elevated.
  • Step 2: Work Independently
    • One of the hardest steps is working independently to write a help system about the topic.
    • The key is to read about the topic and understand it thoroughly before writing.
    • Make sure you are confident and write in your own words.
  • Step 3: Presentation
    • I initially felt this was another burden, but to avoid mistakes, rehearse, rehearse, and rehearse.
    • Make sure the teacher understands your presentation. This helped me a lot to get a good grade.


Personally creating hel systems were important because they

  • Help Systems are essential tools that provide guidance and support.

  • They ensure users can effectively navigate and utilize complex topics or systems.

  • Help Systems promote collaboration, independent learning, and effective communication.

  • Investing time and effort into creating a comprehensive Help System enhances the overall quality of your work.

  • Developing a Help System also helps you acquire valuable skills that will benefit you in the long run.