Level Up Your Game Development: Planning, Issues, and Blogging for Success

In the world of game development, the journey from concept to a polished, playable experience is often fraught with challenges. But just like a skilled adventurer needs a map, compass, and a trusty journal, game developers rely on planning, issue tracking, and blogging to navigate the complex landscape of game creation.

What I Use for Planning

  • Define a Plan: Ensure your plan meets team or project requirements.

  • Organize and Prioritize: Stay focused and productive.

  • Use an Issue Tracker: Outline tasks, objectives, and deadlines for a clear roadmap.

  • Manage Workload: Stay on track and deliver high-quality work.

  • Create Design Plans: Visualize tasks to ensure you know what you’re doing.

  • Keep it Simple and Effective: Short and straightforward plans lead to great results.


Sample Issue


  • Valuable Skill: Extends beyond class requirements and is essential for internships.

  • Similar to Journaling: If you have experience with journaling, blogging will be familiar.

  • Showcase Software Experiences: Prove capabilities and provide evidence of work.

  • Document Successes and Failures: Builds a foundation for continuous improvement.

  • Demonstrate Tangible Accomplishments: Employers value documented achievements.

Example Blog: Refer to my blog where I talk about successes and failures (ongoing). Sample blog


Importance of Issue Tracking

  • Organizes work and tasks.

  • Prioritizes tasks effectively.

  • Tracks progress and milestones.

  • Improves collaboration within teams.

  • Identifies bottlenecks quickly.

  • Provides accountability and deadlines.

Importance of Blogging

  • Showcases skills and experiences.

  • Builds a portfolio of work.

  • Improves writing and communication.

  • Engages audience and potential employers.

  • Reflects growth and improvements.

  • Establishes authority in a field.